Thursday, May 15, 2008

Change of plans for May 17th weekend

We are going to meet at the Mounds instead of St. Helens.  Sean has to fine tune the Blaster some more so we really need a closer place. 
Sorry to the guys going to St. Helens, Have fun!!
Anyone else who wants to come to the Mounds, let us know.
Thanks and Ride on!!!  LOL


Anonymous said...

Its almost ready to throw Jana off now... Its the only machine left in our stable that hasn't... :)

Jana said...

In my memory.. I let go.. it didn't throw me off

Larz said...

Put what ever spin on it you want. To be thrown of anything will consist of a person to "let go" at some point.
So I look forward watching you letting go of the Blaster when you take it out for a ride. ha ha ;)

Anonymous said...

Jana has moved on to Burying the 4 wheel drive in mud... Twice in one trip - she had to be pulled out.. Great times

Jana said...

Sean's Fault!!!