Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fw: RE: Silver Lake Oct. 3rd 4th 5th

From: Larry Pilon Subject: RE: Silver Lake Oct. 3rd 4th 5th

Yo Silver Lake crew,
Due to over whelming demand we are being forced to schedule a trip to our favorite sand box.
The new crew members only had a taste of cat box size sand pits and now want more!
So far the first weekend of October looks good for half of us.
Calling all Silver Lake riding veterans Chad , Greg, and Fred, please let me know first if you are interested.
Second, see if the first weekend of October is open for you.
Third, what the hell will Greg be riding?!?!?
Chad can you also forward the map to our new camp ground?
The new camp ground is very close to a pond where you can fish if you would like.
That is where Chad caught Greg, but he was too small and had to throw him back in. He maybe a keeper this year!
Also feel free to invite anyone that maybe interested.
Silver Lake Websites

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scott, Sean and I are game...