Monday, February 2, 2009

Hulbert, MI (UP) - Jan 29-Feb 1, 2009 Day 2

Today's pics are courtesy of the Jana Helmut Cam. We went out for a brief 2 hour trip.

The lodge:
The boys pulling Nina's machine out of the ditch.

Dan & Jen looking out at Lake Superior:

Sean and Brandon :

Evans and Jessica:

And here is Sean and I at Taquamenon Falls State Park and Brewery & Pub.

I still say the walk in all our snowmobile clothes was NOT worth it....but we got a good pic.. :)
This picture was taken before climbing down 8 million stairs. I believe this was a better view...

Lastly, we met up at the this Tavern in Trout Lake. The boys want to go back for the upcoming festivities:

Our brief 2 hour trip turned into a 12 hour trip once we made it from Hulbert to Paradise to the Falls to Newberry to Trout Lake and then back to Hulbert... Yikes Tomorrow we are taking just a 1 hour trip!!!

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